Television Appearances
Dr.Onda appeared on BS-TBS “Biyo-kuchikomi-hiroba TV”.
BS-TBS “Biyo-kuchikomi-hiroba TV” Episode 9 “Ideal hair style”
Shinwa clinic appeared on BS-TBS “Biyo-kuchikomi-hiroba TV” Episode 9 “Ideal hair style” with our Chief Medical Director Onda. The program featured female patients with hair loss and hair thinning problems living in high stress society. Shinwa Clinic's state of the art treatments for hair transplantation and hair restoration not only for men but for women were introduced to the viewing audiences in a productive manner.
January 30 i-battle Weekly
Our clinic was featured on January 30th, 2015 issue of i-battle Weekly.
January 29 Yukan-Fuji
Our clinic was featured on January 29th, 2015 issue of Yukan-Fuji.
January 15 Yukan-Fuji
Our clinic was featured on January 15th, 2015 issue of Yukan-Fuji.
December 25 Yukan-Fuji
December 2 Yukan-Fuji
Our clinic was featured on December 25th, 2014 issue of Yukan-Fuji.
November 16 Sports Nippon
Our clinic was featured on November 14th, 2014 issue of Sports Nippon.
November 5 Nikkan Gendai
Our clinic was featured on November 5th, 2014 issue of Nikkan Gendai.
October 27 Nikkan Gendai
Our clinic was featured on October 27th, 2014 issue of Nikkan Gendai.